
Welcome to The Epic! I am launching this blog as a manifesto for and a guide to living well. The title and motto of the blog are taken from the Epicureans, at least some of whom believed in the notion that not one minute of the future was guaranteed to them and that as a result they had the duty to live life to its fullest every moment.

I believe in discovering fun and pleasurable things wherever I find myself each day and I am told I have a knack for unearthing them. My hope is that by sharing in my pleasures and some of my ways of finding them you will begin to collect all the riches that lie in the moments of your life. They are there. Take them! All our lives should be.....Epic.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fuzzy Photos From Great Bars

Sylvain, New Orleans.  November 2012.  A great bar with a hidden outdoor courtyard.  Very good food as well.


Ben said...

Looks like you had a good time there. I think this is the zenith of your series.

Ben said...

Incidentally, this pic reminds me of a smart comment a former girlfriend once made which I thought was both charming and astute: One night while we were out in Waikiki she remarked "you know, I'm always shocked when I see drunks walking around and they're not blurry. With all that alcohol in them you'd expect them to be blurry."

Turling said...

You weren't in San Francisco at Cafe Tiramisu last night, were you? A gentleman came in and sat near us, ordered a whole bottle of wine for himself and made conversation with either table to each side of him. Having no idea what you look like, I was left wondering...

M.Lane said...

Ben I like your ff. Turling I was in an old lodge in north Wisconsin that night but he is a man of my own heart!!