I spent the best year of my High School life in this building although nobody goes to school there any longer. Whenever I see a photo of that grand old building I see her face.
Every morning when I would walk into those doors as a freshman student I felt special to be there. There was so much tradition there, so many grand ghosts about. Ghosts from formals held 100 years before, of sports teams, of concert bands. More than that though, I felt special because of her. She was a Senior and she looked like a movie star. Pretty face. Thick honey-blond hair. The way she carried her books about was ladylike as was the way she dressed. In 1973 nobody schlepped their books around in a backpack. In 1973 you would often see lady students in blouses or sweaters and skirts. She had a few sweaters and blouses I remember still.
I noticed her immediately when I first saw her in the hallway on my way into the building. I saw her walking the same way the next day too. She looked at me and smiled. That smile astounded me. I do not remember if I smiled back. I probably didn't. I was lucky just to continue walking.
I attended that school for 270 days. Every day I saw her she gave me that dazzling smile. Even though I was a ski racer then I never worked up the nerve to speak to her but I did eventually smile back. I have no idea what happened in her life after May of 1974 when my family moved to sunnier climes. Except for one thing.
In a very roundabout way I heard last week that she passed a few years ago. I hope the report is wrong. Somebody deserves to be the ongoing recipient of that amazing smile. For the better part of 270 days it meant the world to me. If the report is true then she is a lovely addition to the ghosts that roam my old school. As I will be also, one day. And on that day I will have the courage to chat with her. And we can walk the halls together.
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