Light Beer + tomato juice + clam juice + lime juice = ???????
All it lacks is dairy to be a complete food group in one can.
I suppose one could add a cheese stick.
Or a milk chaser.
To be reviewed this [U.S.] holiday weekend. I am delaying the tasting because I am assembling a panel of experts. Any Epicurian wanting to participate can buy a can of their own and send me their impressions. Or not.
Until the weekend, I am in training. Gargling with water from the Gulf of Mexico.
Oh, I'm absolutely going out and buying one, now. Of course, I'll have plenty of Guinness and Smithwick's on hand to kill any lingering after taste.
Montezuma's Revenge: now with citrus.
Damn! I just realized it's a 24 ouncer...are you nuts!?
Now...this might really be (is) off the grid (especially since most of us don't know each other)but check out Budweiser's Band Of Buds contest and envision you, me (well, I thought of it...) Toad, ADG, Man of the 50's, Easy & Elegant, etc. as The Crew That Doesn't Know Each Other (Yet) aka The Band of Blog Buds. $100,000...Rolling Stone spread...Blog fame (well,I don't have that, anyway)...and get to meet and get to know some pretty swell fellows.
I'm putting you in charge and the first order of business might be we all drink up with you over the weekend and post The Chelada Chronicles on our blogs.
That might impress the judges as long as we lie and say we love it.
I think we could keep up with the kids, who have no real understanding of the real art of Crew.
I'm just sayin'....
Best Regards,
M. Lane,
While I do not plan on joining you in this liquid challenge, perhaps in this instance a "chaser" is needed (Pepto Bismol). HA
Looking forward to the results of
the Chelada Countdown,
Chelada isn't all that bad. I have a buddy who drinks a couple of them whenever we're playing early Saturday or Sunday golf after a night of imbibing.
Chelada isn't all that bad. I have a good friend who drinks a couple of them during those early Saturday and Sunday morning golf rounds when the night before was fully of imbibing.
as much as I love New experiences and new adventures and learning new things....
EW. I'll pass on anything with clam
(though I'll take a tiny taste of about anything- but they don't sell that in Tiny Taste size)
Turling, I would suggest some form of moonshine or grain alcohol between the C and the G. I await your results...
KSA, I am still laughing. Have you reviewed this product before me by chance?
LD, Brilliant idea but from his prior comments, Toad may take a bit of convincing. As for the 24 oz can, that amount may be required to really get a feel for the beverage... I think for the first hit of it I will distract myself by looking at the photo of the LA woman you posted a few weeks ago. That should make anything go well..
Barbara, a fine notion.
LT, A hangover cure may turn out to be the only utility of the C.
Kimberly, Shot glasses for the tasting perhaps? Or with 24 oz we can just all pass the can around...
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