One of my very early memories is of my Mom making coffee in the morning in the kitchen. She always had this morning radio program on and they always played a song they called "the percolator song" which I think was a coffee company ad jingle. The instrumental part of the song was meant to imitate the bubbling sound that a coffee pot made. The song combined with my Mom's own percolator to create an auditory memory that is very strong. And very happy.
That percolator sound was lying dormant in my mind until the wonderful day last week that my wife brought home a percolator! I did not even know you could buy one new any more, but our friends at GE make the genuine item, shown above.
There are many benefits to making coffee with a percolator rather than my Germano-Techno coffee maker. The coffee tastes better. It doesn't come out scalding hot. Rather, the percolator coffee is a gentile temperature that allows immediate (and pain free) sipping. It is fun to prepare and brew coffee in the stainless steel basket. It looks cool. The best thing however is the sound. That percolater bubbling noise brings back some of my earliest good memories. And even though my Mom lives fifteen hours away now, we have coffee together every morning. Just like the old days.
Lu Xun and World Literature
10 hours ago
I'm with you on the percolator. My mother still favors the Farberware percolator. I like the sounds in the morning and the smell. I have very happy memories associated with it. Thank you for making me smile today.
Just returning the favor HTJ!
Your pancake recipe is great!
Last summer my coffee maker broke and I bought a percolator. I love it and I am listening to it right now with anticipation.
That was the Maxwell House Percolator Jingle:
Here it is:
Tessa, I KNEW you would have one!
OS, I can't believe it! THAT IS THE EXACT SOUND/JINGLE!!! Thank you so very much. It is just as I remember it.
Thanks for the visits and comments.
I agree--percolators are great and I have many wonderful memories of watching that glass top perk with coffee. I had to moved on to my stove top Italian option because I need coffee -first thing and cannot wait for perculator to finish.
My pleasure, sir.
I'm in! Off to Target or Wal-Mart tomorrow. Hopefully I can find one in a 4 cup size.
The tyranny of the cappuccino masses will end.
Thank you for your guidance.
I house-sat for someone for a year and they had a percolator. I loved the way it infused the air with with the coffee smell. Thanks for the memories.
For some reason, I can't get it to be strong enough. What am I doing wrong? If I grind it too fine, it gets through the basket. If I grind it larger, it's too weak.
PPPG, you are right. A percolator does require a bit of patience which isn't always in long supply in the AM!
Ben, a manifesto for our time!
JV, this is sort of a mystery. Maybe you should use more coffee in the percolator. I have not noticed this myself and I drink strong coffee. Perhaps one of my other readers will have a suggestion...
Thanks all for your visits and comments!!
Try 2 Tablespoons of coffee to each 6 ounces of water. The longer the water percolates over the coffee grounds, the stronger the coffee brew becomes. With practice you will learn how much coffee, how long to brew and percolate, etc. Don't let the coffee boil. People used to say "Boiled coffee is spoiled coffee".
My grandmother can make instant decaf taste like the best brew on the planet. Her secret? She uses my dad's 1960 something model which we thought had given up the ghost.
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