From the Epic Cellar, I am very pleased to report on two wines I have recently enjoyed. Both can be had for under $15.00 [USA] on a regular basis and I occasionally snag a bottle or two for under $10.00. I do not think these are good wines. I think they are great wines. I heartily recommend them, particularly with cold, damp weather upon us that just begs for a crackling fire and a big glass of red wine.
The Aquinas Pino Noir was recommended to me by a pally who happened to be my waiter one night out at dinner a long way from home. I was very impressed with it as I have also been with the Cabernet and Merlot produced by the same house.
Just last week, I was having dinner in a favorite place in Kansas City. A cool jazz club in the basement of an old speakeasy. I asked the waiter about the Guenoc I saw on the menu and he was not familiar with it. It should come as no surprise to the return reader that I have an Edwardian romantic attraction to any wine that describes itself these days as a "claret". Particularly one with Lillie Langtree on the label. As I was pondering my choice, the waiter returned and said he had made inquiry of a young lady co-worker who highly recommended the Guenoc. As I am loathe to ignore the recommendation of a lady when it comes to Claret, I procured a bottle. I adored it.
Both of these wines taste great right out of the bottle but sidle their way smoothly toward lovely after a little while in contact with the air. Both bottles have a snuggly close flavor while managing at the same time a certain far off distance from the palate. The highly trained sipper such as myself will detect that both wines have a distinct underlying fruit flavor which is subtly reminiscent of grapes. One of my favorite flavors for wine.
My best recommendation is that I would bring either bottle to a friend's home as a dinner party gift. It is in the same spirit that I submit them, humbly, for your approval. Cheers!
Sponsorship Note: Neither vintner mentioned in this post is compensating me for my opinions. If they choose to send me a case or two, however, I wouldn't refuse the shipments.