
Welcome to The Epic! I am launching this blog as a manifesto for and a guide to living well. The title and motto of the blog are taken from the Epicureans, at least some of whom believed in the notion that not one minute of the future was guaranteed to them and that as a result they had the duty to live life to its fullest every moment.

I believe in discovering fun and pleasurable things wherever I find myself each day and I am told I have a knack for unearthing them. My hope is that by sharing in my pleasures and some of my ways of finding them you will begin to collect all the riches that lie in the moments of your life. They are there. Take them! All our lives should be.....Epic.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Epic Puppy!

Our family has a new member today! To me, this Papillion puppy has all the makings of a true Epic. He always knows how to have fun. He is very exuberant. He enjoys food, drink and people. Plays at a moment's notice. Or, with no notice at all. He especially loves making toys out of acorns and blades of grass (most of which are taller than he is). If you can make a toy out of a blade of grass, you have Epic potential. Even at ten weeks of age. He is friendly to all. Perhaps not a surprise, then, that of all the dogs in the world Marie Antoinette picked a Papillion. Say what you will about that lady, she had a lot of style. But probably not many friends. I can tell after only one day of acquaintance that Papillions are great friends.

The rest of the family is acting like the day our son arrived. Sort of wandering about and peeking in at him sleeping from time to time. Goofy grins on our faces. Yes, I can certainly tell that this pup enjoys every minute. And he enhances every one of ours. That's the Epic way.


Unknown said...

Your puppy is too cute. What are you going to name it? Best, Becs

M.Lane said...

Thank you! I was betting that the Future Rock Star would name it after his hero, Hendrix, but he named it "Graham Wellington"!!!!! Big name for a little dog.....

Unknown said...

Great Hero for your son, a left handed Musician who played his Axe upside down. ( I only know this because of Rock Star Hubby). Love the name of your dog, any nicknames? Best, Becs

M.Lane said...

What other nickname for a musician's dog? Grammy!!

Unknown said...

Love the Grammy as a nickname. That is also my son's nickname for my mother! Best, Becs